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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Alpha Lipid Lifeline is a food supplement and NOT a medicine!

Colostrum is the first food for growth and immunity; it is the pre-milk or rather the first lacteal secretion that is produced by the mother in all mammals immediately following the birth of her young. Colostrum is frequently referred to as “lifes first food”. It not only supports life but also makes it flourish. Colostrum is produced in the first few days following the birth of the newborn.

Each drop contains the promise of life: the immunoglobulins, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other substances designed to provide the body with the ability to face a lifetime of invasion by micro-organisms and environmental toxins. Colostrum is a non-toxic, non-allergenic food supplement that has no negative interactions with drugs, food or other supplements.

Alpha Lipid as natural product involves NO RISK or SIDE EFFECT to the body. In fact, it gives more healthy benefits to the body. Whist medication are synthetic product which is alient to the body. Thus, includes some RISK and SIDE EFFECT. Medication acts directly towards the intended body and requires dose monitoring and ONLY by the doctors advise. 

Reminder : Please continue to consume medication prescribed by Doctors. Drink Alpha Lipid BEFORE taking daily medication.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline IS NOT A MEDICINE!

(Click table to enlarge)
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Alpha Lipid Lifeline : Temporary Reactions & Healing Process

Alpha Lipid Colostrum is a food supplement, non-toxic, non-allergic and does not react with other foods or medications. However, some people may get early reaction with Alpha Lipid Lifeline. This is only temporary for the HEALING PROCESS to take place.

(Click to enlarge the table)

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Alpha Lipid Lifeline is proven to HELP many people with or without health problems..

Alpha Lipid Lifeline has been proven to HELP people with health problems. Thousands of testimonials in Malaysia and also other countries have been recorded!

Those are a few health symptoms/problems are :

Asthma, Arthritis, Allergy, Haemorhoid, Abscess, Kidney disease, Hypertension, Denggi, Eczema, Gout, Gatritis, Hepatitis B/C, Pimples, Infection, Cancer, Diabetes Mellitus, Lethargy, Leukimia, Lung dicease, Latestinal disease, Migraine sinusitis, Stroke, Paralysis, Arthralgia, Gynaecology problem, Epilepsy, SLE/Lupus, Dermalitis Tumor, Thyroid disease, Chicken Pox, Heart disease, TB, Parkinson, Ulser, Impotence stress pregnancy, old age, Dysmenorhea, Infertility, Fibroid, Body builder, Increase memory/IQ, Anti-Aging, Insomnia, Hypoxia and many more..

For people without health problems, you are still encourage to consume Alpha Lipid Lifeline as one of the method to naturalize and stabilize our body. Alpha Lipid Lifeline helping us to stay healthy by removing unwanted and toxic materials in our body and at the same time contributes to increasing our antibody and repair our body.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline is also a better choice for pregnant woman and nursing mothers. 

A glass of Alpha Lipid Lifeline provides you with 1000mg calcium (enough for an adult in a day) and vitamins, minerals, etc.
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Alpha Lipid & Slim Diet Price Discrimination

I heard so many authorized agents set the price below what they should sell.This is not good for consumers and for thousands of other agents as these few unethical culprits would eventually jeopardize the market. Many of them already been terminated by company.

If you found these unethical agents, please do report directly to New Image Asia office or email to them or ask for help from other agents to report to company. Your cooperation is highly appreciated for the benefits of all agents and consumers itself. We want to have healthy business environment and would eventually create win-win situation for customers and also agents.

Retail Price Guide :


                              Alpha Lipid Powder - RM180 / RM192 (sabah/sarawak)
                              Alpha Lipid Tablets (60 tabs) - RM120 / RM125 (sabah/sarawak)
                             Alpha Lipid Tablets (120 tabs) - RM220 / RM226 (sabah/sarawak)
                             Alpha Lipid Capsul (60 caps) - RM120 / RM125 (sabah/sarawak)
                            Alpha Lipid Capsul (120 caps) - RM220 / RM226 (sabah/sarawak)

                                                                      Slim Diet II - RM144

                                                       URiSCAN Ketone Stick (50 sticks ) - RM27
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Slim Diet II - Protein Sparing Modified Fast [New Image Asia]

Numerous studies in medical journals had shown the effectiveness of weight loss by using PROTEIN SPARING MODIFIED FAST. New Image Asia Slim Diet II programme is derived from PSMF concept.

Your body has two sources of energy : 

1) Foods that you eat
2) Fats that you stored

When you reduce your carbohydrate intakes like sugar and starches, the body will naturally break down fat for energy. 
The amount of carbohydrate that triggers the fat breakdown is called your CRITICAL CARBOHYDRATE LEVEL (CCL). When fats break down, ketones are produced and this process is called ketosis. Ketones are measured on a urine test strip. This chemical condition is favourable to the fast burning of fat and also prevents revenous hunger!

I would like to iterate about the advantages of Slim Diet II. This is the simplest diet i have ever found in market so far and of course among the cheapest in terms of cost. Futhermore, Slim Diet II is insured with RM46 million of product liability. If anything happenned to you due to consuming SDII, you are eligible to claim insurance for that(with medical report, of course). I never see any slimming products have this kind of liability. If you found any other products, tell me!

Why you should choose SDII compared to other products? 

1) SDII works closely with the body's NATURAL weight loss system
2) SAFE and effective
3) Remedy the cause of weight gain instead of just treating the symptoms
4) New hope for long-term weight loss control, therefore enhanced health and improved well being
5) Provide you with virtually all the necessary amounts of high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids in proper balance
6) "Plan with a can"
7) DO NOT cause SAGGY skin but only remain firm skin
8) Use up your stores of fat (NOT muscles)
9) Look and feel so much better


1) Hunger pangs
2) Unpleasant side effects often associated with other weight loss plans greatly reduced, or totally eliminated. 

so, ladies and gentleman, what are you waiting for? Prepare for a sucessfull weight loss with SDII programme NOW! 

contact me by email or phone call or YM.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Colostrum’s History & Alpha Lipid Lifeline [New Image Asia / International]

Early in the 20th century it was noted that antibody levels in the first milk produced after birth (colostrum) were much higher than were found in the milk produced after 72 hours.

It was already known that these antibodies contained certain properties that enhanced protection. Prior to the development of sulphur drugs and antibiotics, colostrum was used for the natural antibiotic properties it contained.

A physician, Albert Sabin who is credited with developing the first polio vaccine, was an advocate of colostrum use and had in fact originally isolated the first anti-polio antibodies from bovine colostrum.

About forty years later Campbell and Peterson, using an orthodox vaccination protection theory, developed a programme whereby cows were immunized with a mixture of attenuated pathogens before the birth of their calf.

The colostrum collected from these animals was referred to as immune or hyperimmunised colostrum.

Research which was conducted using the hyper immune milks showed it to be prophylactically and therapeutically successful in preventing and treating pathogens capable of causing infections in the intestinal tract, ranging from E.coli, infant rotavirus, Cryptococcidiosis, diarrhoea in AIDS and other immunodeficient patients, dental care formation and a variety of other conditions.

In 1992 Kummer was the first to demonstrate that colostrum from non-immunized cows can prevent gastrointestinal disease in infants. In 1998 McConnell and her colleagues at Otago University, New Zealand, in conjunction with The New Zealand Dairy Group demonstrated that it was possible to produce a colostrum from pasture-fed, non-immunized cows which showed greater antibody volume and activity than that of the hyperimmunised equivalent.

The New Zealand Dairy Industry pioneered the first commercial colostrum collection system. Hundreds of dairy farmers with more than 400 cows invested in separate stainless steel tanks and the companies developed the means by which to collect, pasteurize, dry and store colostrum in large quantities. New Image International pioneered the marketing of colostrum with the creation of a product from the first batch by the name of LIFELINETM.
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Monday, May 3, 2010


We are expanding this business to another FOUR countries this year(2010). They are :


In order to have stronger team around the globe, we are looking for business partners or representatives or consultants in other countries(9 countries that we already have office) and at these FOUR countries. 

we would like to have at least 100 strong team as a supervisor/manager/ruby by Oct 2010. 

Currently, we have representatives at Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia and the latest is from Austria/Turkey! 


If you are interested to know in details, please do email me (farhan_alphalipid at yahoo.com) or sms or call (+6012 9892612). 

Who can do this business and WHY?

1) Anyone who want to succeed and retire early!
2) IF you are NOT SATISFY with your professional career and personal lifestyle
3) IF You are NOT ABSOLUTELY convinced that your current earnings and investments are sufficient and secure for your retirement.
4) IF you are NOT happy with the pace and daily routine of your life.
5) IF you are NOT able to balance all your priorities - leisure activities, spending time with family, shopping,working, etc.
6) IF you find that your current career is NOT rewarding and NOT satisfying.
7) the person who want the money works for him/her!
8) The person who wants CASH ROYALTY every six months in 14 different currencies PLUS monthly income...

Business Without Barrier...

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Image Asia soft launching at Japan !

Soft launching of our new NEW IMAGE ASIA office at Japan ! for those who live/stay/study there, do contact me to get an info how to become representative or distributor at Japan. on top of that, you can buy new image asia's products like alpha lipid lifeline and slim diet II in 9 other countries using your japan ID. one ID for 10 countries! Japan is the largest market for direct selling/network marketing in Asia. Grab this opportunity and be among the leaders there!

Malaysia and Taiwan are top two countries, which generating sales around NZ $ 1 million a year to company.  

here are two videos during the launching ceremony.

Contact me to know in details about products or marketing plan.

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