A study published by Cesarone et al. (2007) tested a group of ‘very high risk’ adults by giving some of them the standard commercially available influenza vaccination and some of them 400mg of colostrum daily for two months. What they found was that the colostrum proved to be at least 3 times more effective at preventing ‘flu than the vaccination.
Colostrum, the first milk given to new born mammals is a non-toxic, natural product that has no known negative interactions with drugs, food or other supplements. Colostrum contains: the immunoglobulin’s, growth factors, antibodies, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and other substances designed to help provide the body with the ability to face a lifetime of invasion by micro-organisms and environmental exposures. Colostrum provides the passive transfer of immunity from mother to baby, making it nature’s vaccine.
Colostrum: designed by nature for infants, it is naturally safe for all ages including mums-to-be and breastfeeding mothers.
As well as taking a daily colostrum supplement other factors that will help you to stay on top of your health include:
- Ensure that you’re fighting fit so your immune system can tackle any viruses that it comes into contact with
- Make sure you are getting essential nutrients – particularly vitamins A, C, D, E, the B group vitamins and the mineral zinc;
- Get quality sleep, between 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep each night
- Minimise stress – chronic stress causes the release of cortisol which suppresses the immune system
- Don’t overdo it – this includes too much work, stress or play, moderation is key

It is very important to assess your and your children’s needs and risks before deciding whether to vaccinate or not. There are many things that we can do to strengthen our immunity and these may be enough to reduce your risk of contracting influenza. Of course, people with existing health conditions that put them at a higher risk of complications (e.g. developing pneumonia after the ‘flu) need to consider their options very carefully and are advised to consult their physician.
Source :
Dr Cesarone, et al ‘Prevention of Influenza Episodes with Colostrum Compared with Vaccination in Healthy and High-Risk Cardiovascular Subjects: The Epidemiologic Study in San Valentino’, Clinical and Applied Thrombosis / Hemostasis, April 2007; 13(2):130 – 136
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