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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Secret of Alpha Lipid

The Secret of Alpha Lipid will be revealed on this saturday by our Scientist, Mr Peter Lehrke.

Details as below :

Date : January 22, 2011 (Saturday)

Venue : Conference Room, NZ New Image Sdn Bhd, Northpoint Midvalley, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Time : 2 - 4 pm

Registration : FREE (max 80 pax only)

Please Confirm your attendance by Saturday morning. Open to public and members.

Some info about Mr Peter Lehrke :

source : http://www.newimageasia.com/

General Manager Research and Development

New Image Group
Bachelor of Science (Hons) – Biochemistry
Diploma in Nutritional Science (Dip.Nut.Sci.)

Peter graduated from Massey University in 1982. He has 30 years experience in human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements and nutritionals.

Peter’s career to date includes senior management roles with the world’s largest pharmaceutical company Glaxo Pharmaceuticals, PharmaPacific (division of Fernz Corporation and Nufarm), New Zealand’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturer Douglas Pharmaceuticals and GMP Pharmaceuticals who are New Zealand’s fastest growing contract manufacturer of dietary supplements.

His roles have included product development, manufacturing, project management and general management.

Peter has project managed the design, build and establishment of Douglas Pharmaceuticals Fiji facility, the first pharmaceutical factory in the Pacific Islands.

He grew GMP Pharmaceuticals from $3.5million to $10million in 2006 which went on to win the Natural Products New Zealand industry Exporter of the Year Award in 2007.

He has served on the Executive Board of Natural Products New Zealand since 2003.

Peter joined New Image Group in January 2007 as head of Research and Development and Technical Teams.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bureaucracy and biases on alternative medicine : real case in US regarding colostrum

I read a paper written by Daniel Haley about TEN suppressed Cancer Treatments. one of them is Colostrum.

Herb Saunders developed a special media in which he was able to see live spirochetes in the blood, and determine what substance could kill them. This enabled him to conclude which antibiotic would work on a particular spirochete. Doctors working this way could be much more effective in treating their patients.

Former Congressman, Berkley Bedell of Iowa was cured of Lyme disease by the colostrum "targeted" againts the spirochete that causes Lyme disease. This was achieved by injecting a killed Lyme spirochete into the udder of a cow three weeks before her calf was born. The cow's colostrum then contained antibodies against the Lyme spirochete. Ther is no known limit to what can be produced by the targeted colostrum method. 

It presumably could provide a cure for TB even protection against anthrax or other bacteria. It has been used successfully againts cancer in animals. Target colostrums have been successfully tested by independent researchers against pseudomonas, salmonella and cryptospiridium and have been shown to be helpful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. 

When a colostrum drink was shown to be effective against arthitis, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) squelched it. The National Canser Institute (NCI) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed no interest in testing it, discouraged the private sector from developing it, and put Herb Saunders, the farmer from developed it, on trial for practising medicine without license. So, his reward was that the Attorney General of Illinois sent a SWAT team in and closed him right down, seizing all his equipment. 

I still can't quite understand that because, frankly, he was making antibiotics more effective. This is the real challenge for colostrum to offer alternative options to already-controlled market by pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies 'control' most of the associations including FDA, AMA, NCI, and so on.  

to read full article : http://www.encognitive.com/files/cc-10%20cancer%20cures%20that%20worked.pdf

cancer treatment coverup : http://timberwave.com/cancercoverup.html
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Colostrum versus cancer--- nature's miracle cure on the threshold of the fountain of youth and the holy grail - A real story from a Doctor in Malaysia

Please read this and let me know what u think. I'd appreciate the feedback. This is supposed to be the foreward to my project, a prometheus before its goes in more specific manner into colostrum from introduction etc.

I hope to someday make this into a book. Going through quite a bit so this is as far as i got. Would appreciate feedback so much. mentioned it twice, so i hope u get the point:)

Colostrum has been known for centuries for its health benefits. Many would balk at the thought of cow's milk being the miracle cure humanity has been looking for, but in fact, many fail to realise that colostrum is not mere milk!

When Albert Sabin developed the first polio vaccine, he used colostrum. When antibiotics were first developed, Penicillin was isolated using colostrum, and the creator of Penicillin , Alexander Flemming, warned against the dangers of over-depending on antobiotics. True enough, today we are faced with super-strains of bacteria which have formed resistence against antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance is the biggest health issue in the world today. it is indeed directly related to the number one cause of death in Malaysian hospitals-- septicaemia, which is bacterial infection in the blood-- a terminal condition resulting from many diseases.

We only get colostrum from our mothers during our first few hours of life, and that is the basis of our life-long immunity.Unfortunately, as we become older, we dont get our mother's milk nor can we ask for colostrum from our lactating neighbour's wife!

Cow's colostrum is indeed the BEST source of colostrum to maintain our health, and numerous research has proven how New Zealand colostrum is the best source. New Zealand has the world's best standard of quality in dairy farming. The fact that there are 4 times more cows than humans in New Zealand makes it the ideal source of HERD IMMUNITY and antibody pool in the world.

This cannot be achieved elsewhere and hence, New Zealand cow's provide the highest source of antibodies in the planet, which we can utilize to fight diseases. Not only that, in New Zealand, due to its stringent laws in dairy farming, there are no antobiotics, hormones, chemicals or whatsoever involved.

On top of that, the cows are free to roam pastures, and these pastures do not use fertilizers or pesticides! And a very important element in the equation is that in New Zealand, the colostrum is manufactured for market fresh! Unlike in US whereby they collect colostrum in batches and freeze it, and only send it for manufacture once there is sufficient quantity, in New Zealand, it is not the case, so the quality is quaranteed!

Man has long searched for a miracle cure and i am fortunate today that i have found that source. We are closer today to the cure for cancer and the fountain of youth-- a fact that many have yet to realise! The reason why most people lack belief in what colostrum can do, is due to the overwhelming availability of so many products out there tauted to be the best for our health.

In the quest for entrepreneurship, many businessmen inundate the market with so many health products of dubious benefits, but with great promises-- that consumers buy. The consumers on the other hand--despite this being the day and age of the internet-- only get more confused because it is hard for the average consumer to do a thorough research, especially when they are pressed for time, or the overload of information.

Only health professionals know which sources online that they can fully trust, but for the average person, they would buy wholesale whatever they find online as gospel truth.

I had the great opportunity to meet Dr Michail borissenko (Institute of Colostrum Research Scientist) himself when he came down to KL in 3rd quarter of 2009. i spoke to him in length. I myself was gasping for direction and proof as i've taken on my shoulders the responsibility to disseminate truth.

He gave me personal access to him, and promised to give me all the relevant information and research papers i needed in my quest to provide the proof i needed as a doctor, that colostrum indeed does wonders. He did not disappoint. i was the first in this country, probably, to get first hand information from him, and among other things, he provided me with his presentation on cancer, together with all the relevant research material, on the benefits of colostrum to cancer patients. So the biggest thank you goes to him. I hope i do him justice with this effort.

Here I strive to make that knowledge available to all.

I am a doctor because I love helping others. Its a passion. The reason i discontinued my medical career though, is because i truly believe that I may do even more from outside the constraints and limitations of a medical career.

I believe the world needs good and dedicated cardiothoracic surgeons to save lives, as much as we need cab drivers, cleaners,road sweepers, technicians, hawkers etc, to keep the world ticking. I would've been the best cardiothoracic surgeon in the world, but i left as i believe i have much too much to offer than that.

A superspecialist like a cardiothoracic surgeon does safe many lives, but for a person like me with a great passion to make a difference, and only a few more decades to do that, i need to follow a path of greater significance to touch the lives of many more.

And before i embark on my utilitarian and idealistic path, i need to first, gain the financial freedom, to repay my parents in the last few years of their lives, and to stop worrying about money! So that i can write and travel.

I believe the pen is mightier than the sword, or in my case, the scalpel. Being in the right place, at the right time, just a stroke of the pen, may save many more lives than i can ever hope to by even being the best surgeon in the world!

When i was young, i used to watch Beyond 2000, the tv programme, with great interest. They spoke about how, in the future, humans would consume only pills and tablets, which would provide them with all the energy, nutrients that would ever need. I came across tales of the quest for the fountain of youth by ??? and how ??? mummified the pharoahs in hope of resurrection in the future. We know of people getting cryogenically frozen when they have terminal diseases which have no cure now, in hope of getting thawed when the cure is found later.

We are on the verge of finding a cure for HIV, and in fact, cancer. Yet, every now and then we come across new diseases that threatens to wipe out the whole of humanity, like H1N1 or super bird flu and such.

Fact is, patients with even terminal stages of cancer have found a new life with regression of disease with colostrum. Yes there are many, many promising cures out there, but none as wholesome and readily available, than colostrum!

Colostrum today, is the most researched supplement in the world. It has over TEN THOUSAND research papers, published in medical and health journals for various diseases from Diabetes to hypertension, from Gastrointestinal Disorders to Autism, from cancer to HIV to SARS and Alzheimer's and many, many more.

So why hasnt the world taken to colostrum en bloc?

I have heard of doctors who retorted,""what? cholesterol? Why would you want to take cholesterol?? Its bad for your health!

No! No! All this is rubbish, don't take it!" when a patient of mine approached a doctor to enquire about colostrum! A patient on Dialysis was STRONGLY condemned not to take "another rubbish MLM product" by a houseman in Klang GH when that patient enquired about colostrum. Nevermind the fact that his Head of Department already gave the green light for colostrum, and later reitrated it to me that the houseman was wrong. but the damage was already done.

These are examples of problems we face. When even health professionals are too engrossed in their own day-to-day routine to know about new and promising developments like this, how would the layman fare???

I know a thing or 2 about supplements. My mom did not give me her colostrum when i was born, coz she didn't know about it, and thought it was bad milk. As a result, i spend my early years as a sickly child. My dad did a lot of reading and research on many supplements in the market, and i can tell you a lot about multivitamins like Pharmaton, cod liver oil, Co-enzyme Q10, probiotics like OMX and so on. And today, we have Noni Juice, Acai Berry, Xango, Transfer factor, placenta, vitamin C injections and so on, which are all the craze in the market, with people swearing by it.

No doubt that as a doctor, the single most important cure or deficiency that most people lack, and that i recommend strongly, is water. Water is the basis for life, and most people don't realise how much difference just taking enough replenishment of water, would do to them. Yet, even taking too much water would lead to water intoxication and death!

So, yes, there are many things out there which we can take, and if its of good quality of manufacturing, and approved, will definitely help us. But there is nothing in the world better than your mother's milk, and the best substitute would be colostrum, and for anyone else besides newborn babies, the only choice we would have is cow's colostrum!

And in New Image New Zealand's Alpha Lipid LIFELINE colostrum, we have the world's best health supplement, which would protect us from many diseases and keep us healthy.

- A medical Doctor, Malaysia.

Taken from New Image Facebook note.

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Slim Diet II : an opportunity to help people and generating income [Special report for United Kingdom]

The UK Government is concerned about the levels of obesity in United Kingdom. The latest Health Survey for England (HSE) data shows that nearly 1 in 4 adults, and over 1 in 10 children aged 2-10, are obese.

In 2007, the Government-commissioned Foresight report predicted that if no action was taken, 60% of men, 50% of women and 25% of children would be obese by 2050.

Obesity can have a severe impact on people’s health, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and heart and liver disease.

There is also a significant burden on the NHS - direct costs caused by obesity are estimated to be £4.2 billion per year and forecast to more than double by 2050 if we carry on as we are.

Reducing obesity is a priority for the Government. We want people to know that they can change their lifestyle and make a difference to their health.

We at New Image International can help people and government of England to reduce the percentage of obese citizens by using our award-winning and safe diet programme.
Slim Diet II is one of the best slimming product available in market. This product already verified and tested clinically. this product comes with insurance of NZD 20 million, insured by UK-based Vero Insurance company.
to find out about how to get the product in UK and business opportunity there, please contact us. We are looking for energetic and highly motivated and positive  individuals or corporations to start this business seriously in the UK.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Annoucement about business opportunity and Shipping

To all customers/potential business partners :

our business is globally accepted and our products can be shipped to ALL countries around the world [Asia, Europe, America, Latin America, Iceland, etc]

what you need to do? just choose any options below :

1) email me at farhan_alphalipid @ yahoo.com

2) sms / call me at 6 012 989 2612

3) skype  : farhan2612

4) YM : farhan_alphalipid
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10 Reasons why you should join me..Read!!

One of the saddest things to see is someone who hates their job, but has no choice but to continue with it. In today's job market, one should be thankful that they even have a job. However, life is not always as it seems.

The truth is, there are other options. The online world is filled with a variety of great opportunities and one of them is a billion dollar industry. If you need a change, here are ten reasons why you should considering joining network marketing:

 1. Network marketing can provide you with the extra income you need to give your family a better life. Whether it is saving for a vacation home in the Caribbean or a new vehicle, working as a marketer, you can easily save money toward your dream.

 2. This business can also provide you with the financial freedom you have been dreaming about. Not everyone will get rich, but a high percentage of marketers make more money than they did from their previous employment.

 3. Those who join this industry also find themselves working less hours and making more money. What this means is more time for you to spend with the people you care about or doing the things you have always wanted to do, but never had the time.

 4. Marketers spend most of their time building relationships with their customers and prospects. This means you will get to meet a lot of new people, both in person and online.

 5. As a marketer, you will find there are many opportunities to improve yourself. Personal development is one of the main benefits of becoming a marketers. Whether you need to work on your self-confidence or speaking in public, you will find the opportunity will present itself when you work in this business.

 6. You will also enjoy the satisfaction of helping others to achieve their own dreams. By recruiting other people into this business, you can help them to reach their own financial freedom and personal development goals.

7. When you join network marketing, you are starting your own business. If being your own boss and in charge of your time has been a lifelong dream of yours, becoming a marketer will allow you to fulfill these goals and more.

 8. Not everyone is the type of person who jumps out of bed at 6am and is ready to work. In this business, one of the luxuries is deciding when you want to work and how much. You won't be clocking in and the only one keeping track of your time spent working will be you.

 9. As you will be earning a higher income, you can plan for your retirement easier. In fact, many individuals in this business find themselves looking at early retirement, as they have built up enough residual income that they will be able to live quite comfortably.

 10. As you will own your own network marketing business, you will never have to live in fear of losing your employment due to the economy. The fact is, the only way you are going to get out of the business is if you make the decision that you no longer wish to be involved with it.

source : ezinearticles.com

if you are not in these 10 situations or scenario, then you dont need to do anything because your life is already perfect! but, if you have friends not lucky as you, please share this opportunity to them. We dont need your education background, we just want to help those who have dreams. The choice is yours!

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Success and Failure in network marketing business

The success or failure of your network marketing business will ultimately depend on how you set your mind on it and how badly you desire to achieve success. Success for successful network marketing will also depend on some factors which you should consider.

1 Success begins when you decide.

To make your network marketing a success, you must first begin with yourself. You cannot achieve success or it will take you long before you will truly enjoy the sweet taste of your great achievement if you won't feel it in your heart that you can succeed. The road to winning begins here. It is when you start believing in yourself that it can be done and that it is possible to achieve your goals that you will be able to summon the courage to push yourself to the limit. You should have a sense of obligation to perform well for the good of your network marketing scheme.

2 Making your dream a reality.

To further encourage you and your spirit to seek and achieve success, it is imperative for you to realize the boundaries of what is real and what is not. You should slowly make that dream into reality. To have a dream is a good indication that you desire something. Constantly remembering your dream can actually motivate you to do more and to perform more. All you have to do is to synchronize your objectives with your efforts.

3 Understand what your business is all about.

How can you convince other people to try your product when you yourself don't even believe in it? There is no point in finding success when you have doubts about it yourself. Not only are you making it hard for yourself, but you are more or less just wasting your time and effort. You cannot convince people if you don't believe in your own capacities.

 4 Familiarize yourself with current tools and brochures.

Sometimes convincing people to try your product may just be as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. That is why companies supply and aid their agents by releasing brochures and giving them proper training on how to enhance their convincing power and how to encourage consumers easily. You must take advantage of this program as these programs are based on facts. They are based on studies about how people behave.

5 Create a list of motivation beforehand.

Why did you enter into the marketing business? What is your purpose? What is your goal? This is another way of effectively motivating yourself. Successful network marketing is a business that can alter a person's life. However, it is not easy to achieve. You might find it difficult sometimes, or you might even consider giving up. It is during these times that making a list of what you had hoped to achieve when you were just starting the business can get you motivated and inspired again..

Because we tend to lose our sight of our goals and start paying attention instead of our works pressure that we tend to stray away from what we originally hope to achieve. In difficult times like this our list will serve as our inspiration and our motivator to once again have that desire to be successful in network marketing.

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