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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Alpha Lipid : Colostrum and Peptic Ulcer

Most ulcers are caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Many researchers have showed the benefits of bovine colostrum for ulcers caused by H.pylori. They show that bovine colostrum can block the binding of Helicobacter species to the lining of the stomach and intestinal tract therefore inhibit infection [1].

Researchers at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School also found antibiotic properties of bovine lactoferrin against H.pylori and stated that lactoferrin in colostrum should be futher investigated for possible use in human H. pylori infections and peptic ulcers [2].

[1] - Bitzman MM, Gold BD, Philpott DJ, et al; Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori and Helicobacter mustelae binding to lipid receptors by bovine colostrum. J infect Dis 1998 Apr; 177(4): 955-61.
[2] - Dial EJ, Hall LR, Serna H, Romero JJ, Fox JG, Lichtenberger LM; Antibiotic properties of bovine colostrum on Helicobacter pylori. Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas-Houston Medical School. Dig Dis Sci 1998 Dec;43(12):2750-6.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Blame UNHEALHTY diet habits for high rate of obesity


Malaysians are eating too much oily and fatty food and this has caused the obesity level to rise even among young children.

Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) president Dr Tee E Siong said that the public should follow the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines closely to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

“The guidelines explain in detail the recommended servings and people should not exceed the limit,” he said when asked about Malaysia ranking sixth among Asian countries with the highest percentage of obese people.

He also said Malaysians should follow the food guide pyramid as it provides correct information about maintaining a good diet.

Dr Tee said that taking excessive amounts of carbohydrates and protein would result in the extra calories being converted to fat.

“The lack of physical activity and the combination of excessive fat will cause people to become obese,” Tee said.

He advised Malaysians to take more vegetables, fruits and nuts daily because it would decrease the chance of them getting obese and developing heart disease and other illnesses.

Malaysian Diabetes Association president Prof Dr Ikram Shah Ismail described as worrying that Malaysia was one of the countries with the highest percentage of obese people.

He said this was probably due to the type of food Malaysians eat.

“Locals visit fast food restaurants and mamak stalls frequently as it is fast and cheap,” he said.

He pointed out that children now prefer to eat fast food which is high in fat and calories.

Dr Ikram said that it was worrying that children had been introduced to fast food at such an early age.

“There are a lot of awareness programmes conducted by the Health Ministry but so far nothing has changed,” he added.

Dr Ikram said going to the gym or dieting was not necessary as long as Malaysians increased their daily physical activities.

He cited parking a little further from the office and taking the stairs instead of the lift as good habits.

Source : The Star Online. Dec 10, 2010.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Alpha Lipid : Colostrum Health Benefits

Originally, Colostrum was thought to benefit only the newborn. This is because at birth, the human digestive system is not fully competent, and the large macromolecules that make up Colostrum can be absorbed through the still-developing gut wall. Subsequent research has confirmed however, that children and adults can benefit from its unique nutritional profile and absorb the special growth factors and immunoglobulins, needed for immunity and growth.

The action of Colostrum in older children and adults however, is principally related to it beneficial effects on the digestive system in promoting the health of the gut, and preventing infections that enter the body through this channel. By aiding the absorption of other nutrients, Colostrum also improves general health and can reduce the potentially harmful effect of stress.

Bovine Colostrum can also be used for topical application to cuts, abrasions and irritable skin conditions. mix the powder with a little sterile water or saline to form a paste and apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day until healing is complete.

For sensitive teeth following dental work and to help prevent and treat Gingivitis, apply directly to the gum area before retiring, or as needed.

These are some benefits of colostrum :

* Normalize, regulate and maintain body functions.
* Enhance the immune system.
* Protection against peptic ulcer formation caused by drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin.
* Helpful in treating acute rotavirus diarrhea.
* Colostrum for body building because it may stimulate muscle growth.
* Colostrum for Weight Loss because it improves conversion of fat into energy.
* The growth hormones in Colostrum may assist in slowing down the aging process.
* Improves alertness and concentration. Supports overall health and wellbeing.
* Improves pet health. Most pets, including cats and dogs, love colostrum. Research has shown that Colostrum can provide significant enhancement of animal’s immune response to bacterial infections.

 You don't need to go to New Zealand to get the best colostrum in the world. We are here to provide you with the highest quality of colostrum. We are offering worldwide shipping.

Act Now! Start your day with Alpha lipid Colostrum!

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Monday, December 6, 2010

colostrum supplementation enhances physical performance on maximal exercise tests

2000 Pre-Olympic Congress Sports Medicine and Physical Education, International Congress on Sport Science
7-13 September - Brisbane, Australia 2000

J. Leppäluoto*, S. Rasi, V. Martikkala, & M. Puukka

Department of Physiology, University of Oulu, Department of Sports Medicine, Oulu Deaconess Institute and Laboratory of Oulu University Hospital, Finland

We studied the effects of a food supplement made from bovine colostrum on maximal oxygen uptake and flight times in jump tests in 10 young athletes, seven females and three males, in a double blind cross-over design. Defatted and decaseinated bovine colostrum (400 ml daily) or placebo were administered for 12 days and maximal ergospirometer and jump tests were performed on days 11 and 12.

 In the placebo group the maximal oxygen uptake on day 12 was 7 % smaller than on day 11, whereas in the colostrum group it did not change. Similarly, in the placebo group the mean flight time in the counter movement jump was 9 ms and in the squat jump 0 ms shorter on day 12 than on day 11.

In the colostrum group the flight time in the counter movement group was 4 ms and in the squat jump 10 ms longer on day 12 than on day 11. Thus colostrum improved significantly the oxygen uptake (p<0.01) and the flight times (p<0.05) in the maximal ergometer and jump tests performed a day apart.

There were no significant changes in the serum concentrations of IGF-1, growth hormone, testosterone, total LDL or HDL cholesterol, ALAT, ASAT, creatine kinase, carboanhydrase III, myoglobin, interleukin-6 or blood cells measured on day 12 between the placebo and colostrum groups.

The present results demonstrate that colostral supplementation in young athletes improves running and jumping performance, when the physical performance is restrained by a previous maximal training bout. Therefore the use of colostral supplementation is beneficial during heavy training periods in athletes.

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