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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Four Reasons It's Difficult to Lose Fat (slim)

Excess stored fat should be converted back into calories when the body next requires more energy. However, this seems unlikely to happen due to FOUR main reasons : 

1) We consume available carbohydrate calories before fat calories 

Just a hunger person consumes the most readily available source of food, the human body always consumes the most easily molecules or carbohydrates at the simplest in form and thus are the easiest for the body to quickly convert into energy. This is why people crave carbohydrates when they haven't eaten for a while or immediately after performing strenuous exercise. 

In contrast, molecules of FAT are more complex and require additional energy and additional time to be converted into energy (or burned). The body always looks to available carbohydrates first for energy before it begins to break down ingested and then stored molecules of fat. 

2) Our bodies tell us to look for more food before using stored reserves. 

When a person needs energy, he or she experiences hunger (typically for more carbs) long BEFORE the body turns to its stores of excess fat. This biological programming served us well in prehistoric times, telling prehistoric humans to keep eating (and eating and eating) when food was plentiful before drawing on the stored reserves(fat). 

It is typically takes 10 to 15 minutes from the time we ingest food until our hunger becomes sated - this is why you are sometimes no longer hungry at a restaurant when the food arrives late. When you take time between courses or bites to digest your food, your hunger becomes satisfied with only the amount of calories you require. But when you eat quickly, you often think you are hungry and keep eating even though you have already ingested more than enough calories. 

3) Readily available food causes our metabolism to stabilize at the higher fat level. 

When people put on additional fat, say 6.8 KG of weight during vacation with lavish meals, their daily basal metabolic requirement for calories increases. Where their hunger used to be sated with 2500 calories per day, these people now require approximately 3000 calories in order not to feel hungry. Their body and appetite having reached a new equilibrium at the heavier, 6.8 KG-extra, level. 

As long as food is readily available and people listen to their stomach(hunger) regarding how much to eat, their increased amount of weight will REMAIN!

4) The type of food we eat today is different than it was when our biological formula for energy storage was developed. 

The main reason that this stored excess fat may not be converted into energy calories is because our food today is very different than food was when our biological program for storing energy was developed. It contains much more fat! When our biological programming for food was developed, our ancestors ate mostly a low-fat vegetarian deit, with some game meats. And even those foods that contained fat had much less fat than they do today. 

Back then, fat was so rare and so useful that our taste buds evolved to crave it and the parts of the animals that contained most of it. Today, UNFORTUNATELY, this sensory craving has been exploited by our food suppliers. 

In the past century, we have almost doubled the percent of fat in our diets - from 20 % of our calories in 1910 to about 35 % today! Most experts agree that our bodies are biologically programmed for a diet requiring about 20 % or our calories from fat. 

source : Chapter 3, What You Need to Know about Food and Diet, The Wellness Revolution, 2007. John and Wiley. Printed in USA. page : 66:69. 
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Friday, March 25, 2011

Slim Diet II : Speed up your weight loss by taking control of your blood sugar!

Keeping your blood sugar level stable is essential for the human body to function properly. A stable blood sugar level is key to feeling energized throughout the day as well as controlling hunger.

Blood sugar levels are affected by numerous factors and diet is the most important one and the one of which you have the most control of. Stress, exercise, and some medications can also influence your blood sugar levels. Here are three ways to keep your blood sugar levels stable:

1.Eat often. The most important thing you can do to keep your blood sugar levels stable is to eat several times throughout the day. It is best to eat about six small meals over the course of a day instead of a few bigger meals. This will also keep you from ever feeling very hungry which means you won't over eat.

2.Eat more fibre. Eating sufficient amounts of fibre through the day will regulate your blood sugar levels, keeping you feeling full for longer as well as giving you energy. Although the majority of people get way less you should be getting about 30 g of it per day. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, legumes, beans, and oatmeal. Fibre supplements are also a great option if you have a hard time getting your daily amount.

3.Keep your carbohydrates in check. We do need carbs, but we need the right kinds of carbs. If you get too many carbohydrates into your body too quickly-either by eating carbohydrates from processed foods or just eating too much- you will end up with too much glucose in your blood stream which causes your blood sugar levels to spike. They key is eating portion control sizes of nutritious foods such as whole grains, fruits, and veggies. for SDII users, please take note that maximum carbs intake per day is 35 grams.

It is a scientific fact that our blood sugar levels dictates so much of our physical functions as well as how we feel. Your brain can only burn glucose (blood sugar) and it cannot store it. This means that your brain which is the central part of all functioning, is completely controlled by your blood sugar levels all the time.

How you feel and how well your body is functioning at any given moment is completely influenced by our diet.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Slim Diet II : Benefits Of Drinking Water to Lose Fat

“Drink 8 glasses of water each day” is a saying we’ve all heard, but what are the benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Water hydrates your body and helps it work efficiently. Water boosts your metabolic rate, which gives you energy and helps to burn calories. It is an essential drink in everyday life and a great tool for those who are dieting.

The benefits of water are numerous, well-hydrated body helps your muscles and organs to work quickly and efficiently. When your body is working well, it will boost your metabolic rate and help you to feel more energetic. Water can help your metabolism burn calories 3% faster. Metabolism plays a big role in losing weight so it’s important to give your body what it needs in order for it to work the way you want.

Since feeling thirsty and hungry often go hand-in-hand, if you’re feeling thirsty you might accidentally start eating instead of going for a glass of water. Try to listen to what your body needs and keep a water bottle close at hand. You don’t want to be adding on the extra pounds by eating when you’re not even hungry.

If you’re feeling hungry drink a glass of water 15 minutes before eating, it will help to subside your hunger so you can better manage your portion control. It is also a good idea to have a glass of water with every meal. Try to take a sip of water between every few bites, which help you to feel full faster.

Experts suggest that the average person should consume at least 64 ounces of water a day. That’s eight cups of water. Since it can be hard to remember to drink 64 ounces of water a day try bringing a pre-measure bottle of water with you during your day. Measure out one cup every hour and make it goal to drink the cup within the hour.

If you’re on a diet to lose weight it is more important to drink a lot of water throughout the day. If you want to gain the benefit of increased energy and metabolism a good guide is to drink one ounce of water for every two pounds(0.9 kg) of body weight. A person who weighs 200 pounds should drink around 100-ounces (12.5 cups) of water in order the gain the weight loss benefits of water.

Ref : weightlossforall.com


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Friday, March 11, 2011


Why Other Diets Fail Part 1

Weight no longer!

The world is full of disillusioned dieters, many who feel victimised by commercialisation that has taken advantage of their predicament.

Evolutionary changes led us to live a life of convenience; this is in part the cause of obesity. The primitive man’s lifestyle was inconvenient, but it complemented optimum metabolic processes to maintain optimum physical condition.

Man was created with a mechanism to ensure survival through times of famine.

In fact, all creatures have this survival mechanism. It’s a secondary energy fuel system called fat. Simply put, if there is more energy (or carbohydrate) in the food we eat than we need, then it will be stored as fat. If there is insufficient energy in the food we eat, the stored fat will be burned to make up the deficiency.

In times of famine, the food chain alters – there is no grain or fruit, both of which are carbohydrate rich sources of energy. The reduction of available carbohydrates signals the body’s mechanism to switch over to the alternative source of energy: fat.

Fat was never meant to accumulate, but to be regularly converted to energy through the seasons of low and plenty.

By working with nature’s systems, the metabolic rate does not become stressed or slow down. The body’s innate programming takes charge and uses fat, the secondary source of energy to maintain energy requirements.

The Ultra Diet/Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme does not force weight loss – it facilitates the natural process, activating the naturally designed function to only burn fat safely and at the appropriate rate.

To optimise the fat burning process and to make sure you don’t suffer the traditional dieting blues such as hunger and lethargy you need to work with nature’s rules. Once you understand that this marvel of Mother Nature is complementary, you are well on your way to weight control forever.
This will be your last diet!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Up to 95% of all weight loss attempts fail with dieters gaining back all the weight they lost, sometimes more, within 5 years.[1]

But is it the person that fails, or the type of diet? Today we have more ‘low fat’ and ‘low calorie’ diet foods and beverages than ever before, so why are we getting fatter and not thinner?

Most common diet programmes offered are based on calorie counting, these programmes slow down the metabolic rate so continued weight loss is very difficult to maintain. Once people go back to a normal calorie intake, their metabolism can’t keep up with the extra energy intake and they start gaining back the weight they lost.
What makes the Ultra Diet/Slim Diet II Programme different?

The body has 3 main sources it burns for energy:

 Glucose (carbohydrates) – this is the body’s first choice and any carbohydrates present will be used for energy before other sources

 Lipid (fat) – when dietary glucose is very low the body will break down fat in order to create a source of energy, this process generates ketones

 Protein – if there is not enough glucose or protein from the diet then the body will breakdown muscle tissue to release protein to burn for energy[2]

Ketones are the body’s second choice for energy; they are made in the liver by breaking down stored fatty acids and leave the body via the urine which enables us to measure when the body is burning fat.[3]

The Ultra Diet/Slim Diet II Weight Management Programme switches the body from burning glucose to burning fat while maintaining muscle mass and metabolic rate.
references :
1. Michigan State University ‘The Failures of the Old Paradigm: Are Weight Loss Attempts Effective’, Accessed 11 Feb, 2010, Available: https://www.msu.edu/user/burkejoy/unit3a_2.htm

2. McDonald L (1998) The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner, Lyle McDonald, Austin, TX

3. The Medical Biochemistry Page ‘Gluconeogenesis’, last updated 2
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Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI (body mass index) is an international, consistent standard of measuring body size. However, other factors must be considered as some people will have more body fat than others but still have the same BMI. For this reason it is important to take measurements of key areas (e.g. waist, hip, arm, thigh and bust). If you are able to you should get your body fat percentage measured, perhaps at your local gym or medical centre.

For women it is important to have a waist measurement of no more than 88cm, for men 102cm. Measurements over these figures indicate central obesity, or excess abdominal fat (apple shape); having this weight distribution puts you at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes than someone of the same weight/body fat but with different distribution (pear shape).

To work out your BMI divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared e.g.

Height 170cm (1.7m): multiply 1.7 x 1.7 = 2.89 meters squared Weight 90kg

= 31.1 BMI

Healthy BMI 18.5 - 24.9

Overweight BMI 25.0 - 29.9

Obese BMI 30.0 - 39.9

Extremely obese BMI 40+
if your BMI more than 25, you need to take action NOW before it is hard for you to control it.
Slim Diet II can help. contact me for details
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can Colostrum Assist AIDS Patients?

By Thomas E. Stone, ND, CNHP

In 1995, an article in “Scientific American” concluded that traditional disease fighting methods were not effective in fighting the HIV virus - otherwise know as AIDS. Instead, this author recommended that we focus on finding ways of stimulating the immune system and reducing the viral load. Colostrum can be very effective in both of these ways.

Colostrum stimulates and strengthens a weakened immune system and those who take it on a regular basis, have a heightened ability to resist and fight infection - exactly what the AIDS patient needs. Colostrum activates or “turns on” the immune system in the newborn and it can do the same thing for the AIDS patient - or anyone, for that matter. It contains over 40 different immune factors which work in harmony to support
a stronger defense mechanism. This is so critical for the AIDS patient, who dies - not from the HIV virus - but from secondary infections which the immune system is no longer able to control.

One of the immune components in colostrum falls into a category called immunoglobulins. These are “functional antibodies,” ready to combat a host of bacterial pathogens. In this way, colostrum can actually be a sort of secondary immune system for the AIDS patient.

Colostrum and colostral components can also be effective in reducing viral populations.

A 1995 study conducted in the Netherlands, indicated that the immune factor, lactoferrin, is one of the best ways to reduce viral levels in the body. It inhibited the HIV virus of certain body cells and was able to completely block the Cytomegalovirus infection. This same study concluded that bovine (cow) lactoferrin was up to 2.5 times more effective than human lactoferrin. Several other immune factors contained in colostrum have been shown to have anti-viral activity as well. In fact, a 1990 study reported in the Journal of Tropical Pediatrics identified a “non-specific virus-neutralizing activity” in non de-fatted colostrum.

One of the most serious problems with AIDS is something called “wasting.” It is brought on by chronic diarrhea and results in a loss of vital nutrients and fluids. It also depletes the supply of intestinal antibodies, leaving the patient even more vulnerable to dangerous pathogens. A 1992 study showed that out of 37 immuno-deficient patients with chronic diarrhea, 72% experienced significant improvement with the use of immunoglobulins from colostrum. Another study stated that colostrum immunoglobulins have been able to treat diarrhea-causing infections associated with AIDS, where no other treatment was effective.

Wasting occurs when the AIDS-infected body begins burning muscle for fuel. Here again, colostrum can help. The growth factors, contained in colostrum, also play a big role in supporting AIDS patients. Treatment with IGF-1 and growth hormone (GH), both contained in colostrum, produce an increase in muscle mass, preventing the severe weight loss associated with wasting. If colostrum were used for no other reason than to reduce the diarrhea-induced wasting and to prevent the loss of muscle mass, it would greatly enhance quality of life for those who suffer from AIDS. However, in my
experience, colostrum can do so much more than this.

Eight months ago I treated a patient with full blown AIDS, who had been sincerely searching and doing everything in his power to regain his health. When I initially met with him, he had a T- cell count in the high teens, despite the fact that he had been following a strict health regime for a matter of months. With mega doses of colostrum (60 capsules/day) and an herb called Maca, we eliminated many of the other things he was doing.

He continued to eat healthfully and take ample amounts of green juices. Within 2 weeks, both he and his medical doctors were shocked to find that his T-cell count had risen to 350! His doctor even insisted on a retest to verify these results. Now, 8 months later, he has been declared HIV free and doctors are saying that they must have misdiagnosed him in the first place. This man is so dedicated to helping other people that he now owns a health food store and is sharing his knowledge with hosts of other people.

A desire to get well is a critical factor in healing. This man was totally dedicated and when he found the additional nutritional help of colostrum, he made fast progress.

Can colostrum assist AIDS patients? In a variety of ways, the answer is a resounding,



1. Bogstedt, A.K.; et al. “Passive Immunity Against Diarrhea,” Acta Paediatr 8:125-128,1996.

2. Bricker, D. S. “Colostrum: Implications for Accelerated Recovery in Damaged Muscles and Cartilage, Prevention of some Pathogenic disease,” The American Chiropractor. Nov. 1991.

3. Harmsen, M.C.; Swart, P.J.; Bethune, M.; Pauwels, R.; DeClercq, E.; et al. “Antiviral Effects of Plasma and Milk Proteins: Lactoferrin Shows Potent Activity Against Both Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Human Cytomegalovirus Replication In Vitro,” Journal of Infectious Diseases. 172:380-8, 1995.

5. Nowa; McMichael. “How HIV Defeats the Immune system,” Scientific American. Aug:58- 65, 1995.

6. Plettenberg, A. et al. “A Preparation from Bovine Colostrum in the Treatment of HIV- Positive Patients with Chronic Diarrhea,” Clinical Invest. Jan. 1993.

7. Richie, J.; “Update on the Management of Intestinal Cryptosporidiosis in AIDS,” Ann. Pharmacother 28:767-778, 1994.

8. Rump, J.A.; Aarndt, R.; Arnold, A.; Bendick, C.; Dichtelmuller, H.; Franke, M.; Helm, E. B.; Jager, H; Kampmann, B.; Kolb, P.; et al. “Treatment of Diarrhoea in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients with Immunoglobulins from Bovine Colostrum,” Clinical Investig. 70(7):588-594, 1992.

9. Stephan, W.; et al. “Antibodies from Colostrum in Oral Immunotherapy,” J. Clinical Biochem. 28:19-23, 1990.

10. Unger, B. L. P.; et al. “Cessation of Cryptosporidium-Associated Diarrhea in AIDS Patients After Treatment with Hyperimmune Bovine Colostrum,” Gastroenterology. 98:486-489, 1990.

11. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 1990. “Virus neutralizing activity” complete reference not available.

**This is not medical advise.

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