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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Alpha Lipid : Colostrum Health Benefits

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Originally, Colostrum was thought to benefit only the newborn. This is because at birth, the human digestive system is not fully competent, and the large macromolecules that make up Colostrum can be absorbed through the still-developing gut wall. Subsequent research has confirmed however, that children and adults can benefit from its unique nutritional profile and absorb the special growth factors and immunoglobulins, needed for immunity and growth.

The action of Colostrum in older children and adults however, is principally related to it beneficial effects on the digestive system in promoting the health of the gut, and preventing infections that enter the body through this channel. By aiding the absorption of other nutrients, Colostrum also improves general health and can reduce the potentially harmful effect of stress.

Bovine Colostrum can also be used for topical application to cuts, abrasions and irritable skin conditions. mix the powder with a little sterile water or saline to form a paste and apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day until healing is complete.

For sensitive teeth following dental work and to help prevent and treat Gingivitis, apply directly to the gum area before retiring, or as needed.

These are some benefits of colostrum :

* Normalize, regulate and maintain body functions.
* Enhance the immune system.
* Protection against peptic ulcer formation caused by drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin.
* Helpful in treating acute rotavirus diarrhea.
* Colostrum for body building because it may stimulate muscle growth.
* Colostrum for Weight Loss because it improves conversion of fat into energy.
* The growth hormones in Colostrum may assist in slowing down the aging process.
* Improves alertness and concentration. Supports overall health and wellbeing.
* Improves pet health. Most pets, including cats and dogs, love colostrum. Research has shown that Colostrum can provide significant enhancement of animal’s immune response to bacterial infections.

 You don't need to go to New Zealand to get the best colostrum in the world. We are here to provide you with the highest quality of colostrum. We are offering worldwide shipping.

Act Now! Start your day with Alpha lipid Colostrum!


1 comment:

  1. Is this good if you are suffering from diabetes 1?


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