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Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Image International : 56th Royalty Convention at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

New Image International Malaysia will held the 56th Royalty Convention at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 20th November 2010. You can get the tickets for RM 20 each and get free gift from company.

Delegations from all around the world also will be in this event. Malaysia is one of the fastest growing business for New Image Asia and this twice-a-year event is to appreciate their efforts. Award recipients will receive cash ranging from thousand ringgit to hundred thousand ringgits. This event also can be a good opportunity for those who don't really know about this business/products whereby we will showcase our products as well as business opportunity. I'm sure it will be very fantastic event.

 Come and join us. For tickets purchase, you can contact me via phone or email. 

As a token of appreciation to my readers/customers, i will give away Royalty Tickets for FREE for those who become a member this month. This offer is valid until 28 Oct 2010. For details of Free tickets, please refer to this post  : http://bit.ly/buUutC

A few pictures during 55th Royalty Convention @ Putrajaya International Convention Centre, May 2010.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Alpha Lipid colostrum can help People with Diabetes?

There are likely to be a number of mechanisms behind how colostrum can assist diabetes. The specific mechanism that is directly linked is through insulin like growth factor (IGF), a component that naturally occurs in colostrum. 

IGF assists in the regulation of blood sugar levels and improves the utilisation of glucose – a diabetic has difficulty using glucose, commonly due to insulin resistance which prevents cellular uptake of glucose from the blood (type II) or due to insufficient insulin production and possibly insulin resistance (type I).

Colostrum can assist in the body’s response to signals to take glucose into the cells thereby lowering blood sugar levels. The other well known effects of colostrum such as balancing of the immune system and restoration of the gut possibly play an indirect role in the management of blood sugar levels by optimising digestion, absorption and general health.

These are not drugs and the recommendation of products and lifestyle changes are not intended to offer therapeutic cures. Individual results from the use of nutritional products may vary. It is advisable to discuss with a medical practitioner the use of these as nutritional support.
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Ask Yourself: objectives, reasons, approach...

Why did you become a network marketer? Most people immediately respond, “for the money!” However, this is not the real reason. 

No one subjects them to the hard work of building a business just for little pieces of paper with the faces of dead presidents. The truth is you work in order to obtain what those little pieces of paper can bring you. 

The first thing you need to do is to find the reason WHY you are a network marketer. Is it the freedom to choose whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it? Maybe you are looking for a different lifestyle. If there is one thing that is critical to your network marketing success, this is it. If you don’t have a reason, there is no motivation to succeed. 

A network marketing business is a teaching and coaching business. If you don’t like interaction with other people, a network marketing business probably is not for you. There’s a concept that most network marketers just can’t seem to get a handle on. You do not sponsor “reps,” you sponsor “people!” 

If you have to find a reason why you are building your business, then doesn’t it stand to reason that other people will have to do the same thing? If that’s the case, then why is it that network marketers continually focus on how much money your prospect can earn? 

There’s no way you are going to convince “Joe Sixpack,” to get out of his Lazyboy recliner unless you find out what his motivation is. Most network marketers literally pound in the amount of money Joe can earn. They bombard him with message after message about how “Successful Sam” has just purchased his 10th Porsche, refurnished his 25,000 square foot cottage and promise Joe that he can do the same! 

Just how realistic is this approach? Joe isn’t stupid. He works long, hard hours at his job in order to provide for his family and truly believes that the best thing he can hope for is saving enough money by summer to pay for a camping trip. Then here you come, promising Joe that he can have everything that Sam has and he can have it if he will just sign that piece of paper making you his sponsor! 

You will probably sponsor a few people that way, but if you are in business for the long haul you need to change your approach and do it fast. 

The proper approach is so simple, but in your rush to sponsor another “rep” instead of helping another person, all too often you talk yourself into and straight out of sponsoring the Joes of the world. 

God gave you two ears and one mouth and he did it for a reason. We are supposed to “listen” twice as much as we “speak.” 

Instead of pouncing on Joe with the latest and greatest network marketing program of all time, find out what Joe wants and needs. Ask him questions, lots of questions. In fact, in your first meeting with Joe, don’t even mention your business! Yes, that’s what I said. Don’t even bring it up. Remove yourself from the super duper network marketing persona and spend time making a new friend. 

Follow these recommendations and you are set to grow your business exponentially.

--Nial Robbins, finalsense.com
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What Foods Can You Eat on the Slim Diet II Programme

This video is brought to you by New Image International. 

Presenter : Julie Wilson, New Image Chief Nutritionist

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Alpha Lipid : Why We Die So Young? [E/M]

Natural human life span is believed to be at least 120 years, yet most of us diet prematurely at age 60 – 80. Why? If we do not provide the body with what it needs to function properly, we cannot adequately fight off illness and disease. Inadequate immune function leaves us vulnerable to recurrent or degenerative conditions or those concentrated in the specific organs, like the lungs, heart or reproductive system. Eventually, cancer, heart disease, AIDS or some other disease takes over.

GOOD HEALTH SHOULD NOT BE THOUGHT OF AS THE ABSENSE OF DISEASE. We should avoid this negative disease-orientated thinking and concentrate on what we must to do to remain healthy. Health results from supplying what is essential to the body on a daily basis, while disease results from living without what the body needs.

Kehidupan normal manusia adalah dipercayai sekurang-kurangnya 120 tahun. Walau bagaimanapun, ramai yang meninggal dunia dalam usia 60 hingga 80 tahun. Kenapa? Jika badan tidak mendapat apa yang diperlukan untuk berfungsi dengan baik, maka badan tidak akan dapat untuk melawan penyakit. Fungsi imun badan yang tidak cukup akan menyebabkan badan terdedah kepada penyakit yang disebabkan usia atau terdedah kepada kerosakan/penyakit yang berkaitan dengan organ tertentu seperti paru-paru, hati dan system produktif. Akhirnya penyakit seperti kanser, hati, AIDS akan  menyerang badan kita.

KESIHATAN YANG BAIK TIDAK BERERTI TIADANYA PENYAKIT DALAM BADAN. Kita kena elakkan dari berfikir sedemikian dan kena berfikir bagaimana untuk kekal sihat seumur hidup. Kesihatan yang baik akan diperoleh bila keperluan badan kita dipenuhi. Penyakit akan datang jika badan kita tidak cukup keperluan untuk melawan penyakit (system imun lemah). 

Kekalkan cara hidup sihat dan minum lah Colostrum setiap hari. Alpha Lipid adalah colostrum dari New Zealand yang terbaik untuk anda dan keluarga anda.  Duit yang dilaburkan untuk mengelak dari penyakit adalah lebih bermakna dari ‘melaburkan’ duit untuk merawat. Terlalu berkira untuk kebaikan diri sendiri juga tidak mendatangkan faedah jangka panjang yang besar kepada diri. Kos rawatan meningkat setiap tahun. Adakah anda mampu untuk membiayainya?adakah anda boleh jamin penyakit itu sembuh 100 % dengan tiada kesan sampingan daripada rawatan yang diberikan? Bertindak sebelum terlambat.
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